Cherry Creek North Parking – Quarters Not Required

The Cherry Creek North neighborhood – Denver’s “Gold Coast” – added a call-in parking alternative in November.
This seems like a great alternative to saving quarters, or trying to keep the parking machines from tearing up your credit card. So far, though, the buzz is that people aren’t taking to the phone-in alternative.
Setting up an account is easy, but thinking about it ahead of time is probably part of the problem. Shoppers don’t usually plan in advance. Diners in the neighborhood rarely make a reservation, and more often just troll the restaurants looking for an available table.
This is a great solution for Cherry Creek regulars or workers.
If you’d like to try the phone-in option for Cherry Creek parking you can call 888-480-7275 or go to
Once you sign up for the service, you’ll call the toll-free number and enter your location number. Your credit card will be charged and you’ll get the added bonus of a text message reminder before your parking time expires. Another convenience is that you can add to your time (up to the 3 hour limit) without having to walk back to your car to do it.
The Denver Public Works Department is trying this new system for a 6 month trial. If it doesn’t catch on, they may eliminate it. If it does, they’ll look at expanding the program to other areas of the city.
I have plenty of quarters, but when I run out, I may try this system. If you want to look for houses in the Cherry Creek area, let me know – I’ll cover the parking!