Building a New Home Wonderland in Denver

I’ve been reading the news about home builders throughout the U.S. cutting back, downsizing or going out of business altogether.
Here in Denver, Colorado we’ve lost Village Homes, John Laing, and more. McStain is hanging on by a thread. The downturn in real estate is taking its toll. I hate to see builders leaving our city and the resulting job losses, but it may be a good thing for construction to slow down a bit – and for builders to realize that their business model is as important as throwing up houses.
One local builder that seems to be weathering the storm is Wonderland Homes. They’ve managed their business affairs well enough to hang in during the downturn and are turning the corner.
Wonderland has sold 10 homes since the beginning of this year. Steve Phua, Director of Operations, attributes this to the price point they build in. Their primary price is mid-$200,000’s to mid-$300,000’s. Wonderland builds a good house for that price, and buyers are thrilled by the floor plans and finishes.
Steve also told me that location is another important factor, and their developments closer into Denver seem to be faring better. Their main location is at the former Stapleton airport, now the Stapleton redevelopment area. Stapleton is a great new urban neighborhood full of families, parks, schools and offers great walkability.
Denver is fighting off the doom and gloom. Home resales and new construction are both experiencing a pop in activity since last year. Contact me if you’d like to see homes in Stapleton or any other area of Metro Denver. You can begin your online search at!