Gretchen Rosenberg’s Relocation Interview
Gretchen Rosenberg’s Relocation Interview – I have two observations before you watch this:
1) What the heck is that awful expression they froze me on? I asked Mark at Broker IPTV to fix that and he said I look fine – what’s he smokin?
2) The camera really does put on 10 pounds! (At least that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.)
BrokerIPTV: Today we are talking with Gretchen Rosenberg, managing broker for Kentwood Company at Cherry Creek. Gretchen thanks for being with us.
Gretchen Rosenberg: Thanks Dan. Hi.
BrokerIPTV: Appreciate it. I want to talk about relocation in general. Most people don’t really know, but this is a very large segment of the real estate business for local companies and international companies.
Gretchen Rosenberg: Yes, you are correct. It is a large segment of business into and out of Colorado. Most larger companies do have specialty of relocation or relocation department.
BrokerIPTV: It seems to be a little bit more difficult in trying times. What are somethings that you are hearing about relocation these days?
Gretchen Rosenberg: When I talk with our relocation department – Kentwood Relocation, what I am hearing is that they are not negotiating as many large contracts for large blocks of load. So we are not seeing companies moving mass amounts of employees. More often today it’s an entrepreneur or a smaller business or an executive with a large company moving an individual person.
BrokerIPTV: Now, I have heard some companies on one end being really great about the tough economic times and saying “Hey, we are going to do everything including making up some short fall between the sale price of your house and what you owe to make the move more palatable” and then I have heard some companies that are saying “Here is a lump sum of money, enjoy to move.”
Gretchen Rosenberg: It used to be that more employees would get these golden relocation packages. Their move would be paid, their closing cost would be paid, their real estate commission and its not as easy for companies to put these bill, so often now they are either giving a lump sum to their employee and saying you manage and move yourself or they are not getting quite the large packages.
BrokerIPTV: How about relocation specifically in Colorado, are we up, are we down or we level where are we?
Gretchen Rosenberg: Our Company is up than last year.
BrokerIPTV: Okay.
Gretchen Rosenberg: So, while Denver seems to pulling ahead in terms of the real estate recovery, so to speak. Relocation seems to really be doing well.
BrokerIPTV: If you are not used to doing relocation deals, its a little more complicated in the standard here, because we have got a third party relocation company involved. Can you explain a little bit how that network works?
Gretchen Rosenberg: Right. Your client is the individual person, but your client is also the relocation, third party relocation company and you are working with both to manage this person’s move either into or out of
BrokerIPTV: The area?
Gretchen Rosenberg: The area, right.
BrokerIPTV: Sure. The biggest thing I think that’s got to be tough on the relocate people is that, you know you got to start all over again?
Gretchen Rosenberg: Right.
BrokerIPTV: Are there some things that relocation companies do to kind of ease that thing?
Gretchen Rosenberg: I call that Rebuilding Fractured Networks.
BrokerIPTV: Okay.
Gretchen Rosenberg: It’s something that I have worked for years with helping people and families. When they come to a new city, they are relocating with a job, they are often brining families, not always and they need schools and they need pediatricians and they need to know which neighborhood they would feel most comfortable in so, you have to have manage that and the third party relocation company doesnt manage that. Its the real estate broker’s job to do that.
BrokerIPTV: Any other advantages to working with a more specialized relocation company?
Gretchen Rosenberg: You will have someone that’s more experienced, understands the importance of listing a property at the right price or how quickly you need to get feet on the ground when people are relocating into an area.
BrokerIPTV: Thanks so much for joining us.
Gretchen Rosenberg: Thank you.
BrokerIPTV: Appreciate it.
Gretchen Rosenberg: Thank you, Dan.
See Gretchen Rosenberg’s Denver Real Estate web site to “search and live local.”