Help We Can’t Find A Good House!

It’s not always easy to help families find a good house. I’m working with a lovely family who is relocating to Denver in a few weeks. We can’t find them the right house and their move date is looming. They want to be here and settled by December.
After a 4 1/2 day marathon of 56 houses, we kind of narrowed it down to two possibilities. These buyers are looking in a fairly significant price point. Not uber high-end, but enough to buy a very nice home in a very nice location.
Theirs is the price point that’s slow in Denver, and now we’ve seen everything on the market. Either the homes were location compromised, floor plan challenged or way over priced. There are two homes they would consider, if they were appropriately priced. As it stands, after a detailed market analysis, both houses are more than $100,000 off the mark. The sellers feel they’re “in the right” and their agents have said if we wrote an offer, we’d be unreasonably low.
So we’re back to square 1. If you know of a house coming on the market, or a For Sale By Owner (FSBO) that we could take a look at, please contact me. We’re looking in Cherry Hills Village, Greenwood Village and Littleton. Preferably under $1,000,000 with 4 bedrooms plus a study and a nice-sized lot.
Thanks for your assistance. They need the keys to their new house soon!