Homebuyer Tax Credit Ends in 30 Days. Buyers Get Off the Fence Today!

This isn’t an April Fool joke, homebuyer tax credit ends in 30 days. It’s a serious money matter.
Could you be at risk for losing out on an $8,000 tax credit, or a $6,500 tax credit? Could you be risking interest rate increases?
Those are your risks if you aren’t under contract for a property by the end of this month. Properties must be contracted for by the end of April and must close by the end of June to qualify for the tax credit. And the longer you wait, the more likely you’ll fall victim to rising mortgage rates and lose out on your own version of the white picket fence.
Spend some time researching Denver Real Estate on the internet, get pre-approved with a qualified and knowledgeable mortgage lender and then get a Buyer’s Agent to help you wade through the process of buying a home.
We are a nation of homeowners. Despite the recent hit real estate has taken, and the legions of homeowners who have lately become renters, buying a house is still the American Dream. Just don’t use your house as a cash-machine. It’s a place to hang your hat, kick off your boots and close out the world. It’s a place that if you’re frugal, you could own free and clear by retirement. Now wouldn’t that be the American Dream?