House Shopping: It’s Just Like Online Dating!

House Shopping is Like Online Dating (But WAY more fun!)
Many of us have been there. We’re curious about what’s out there and find ourselves signing up for one of the many online dating platforms. There’s no shame; I’ve done it too! I of course have my own thoughts which I will save for another post. If you want to hash out which are the best send me a message; I would love to debate the pros and cons of each any time.
Ok, so we’ve established we’ve all been there; what in the world does that have to do with house shopping? I tell the buyers I work with all the time that house shopping is just like online dating! Replace real estate websites for dating sites and it’s the same thing. You’re curious about what’s out there and what might be a good “fit.” You may even change around your criteria to see if there’s anything you might be missing.
Just like dating profiles, you can look at that house over and over online. You can save them as favorites and send it to friends and family. You may even spend your time day dream about moving your furniture into each of the rooms in your head just like you day dream about your new relationship with “Alex from Denver.” Hey, I get it. I’ve been there too! I would look at profiles and pictures of guys I thought would be “perfect” for me….. only to find out that once I was sitting across from them and chatting that they were not so “perfect” for me after all.
Spoiler Alert
Spoiler alert: we as Realtors spend a lot of money staging and photographing homes to make them look appealing to the masses. So, I’m giving you a little PSA here to warn you to hold off from falling too hard for those pics.
For example, we use phrases like “spacious and bright” to make a typical vaulted ceiling room sound like a ballroom, but not every house can really be spacious and bright. It’s just like every profile that boasts all the outdoor things someone does and how much they love Colorado. That’s all well and fine, but not every person can be soo outdoorsy & “perfect” if outdoorsy is your idea of perfection.
My point is that we try to highlight all of the best attributes of a home while appealing to the most amount of buyers … much like online dating! As one person shared with me it’s like spraying and praying. The idea that you reach out to a lot of people at home and hope that someone will be interested and keep you profile as vague and appealing to the masses. Before you fall in love with a house online, wait until you are actually in the house and walking around. You may find that while you are walking around and talking to the house it turns out it’s not so “perfect” for you after all. It’s often the unassuming profile – um I mean house that is really the one for you.
I may not be a great matchmaker for my friends, but I am a great house matchmaker. Just call me the Patti Stanger of real estate. If you want to find your perfect match with a little help, give me a call. I’m happy to help and can ever share fun dating stories with you as well. Heck it’s a two in one activity – finding your dream home and relationship therapy!