Women Are More Likely to Become First Time Homebuyers

More Single Women Are Buying Properties Than Men
Single women account for more real estate and property purchases than men. In the last year, 17% of home purchases were made by single women. In comparison, only 7% were made by men. Behind married couples, single women make up the second largest real estate purchase marketplace.
Women are more likely to see home-buying as an investment. Rent increases, particularly in Denver, can be linked to this increase in property purchasing by single women.
Many single women are actively looking for homes to call their own. Making changes to create your perfect space is appealing to women more and more. In addition, buying your own house and cultivating your own unique space is a productive use of financial resources.
Men are often more concerned about having to relocate than women. Planting roots does not seem to be a as much of a priority for men as it is for women. Single women are also more likely to pay slightly more for their real estate. Women who are tired of living in an apartment find financial comfort and security in purchasing their own space.
Builders are picking up on this trend and are routinely building properties they anticipate will appeal to women. Single women in the 30-50 age bracket are also purchasing homes for the first time, showing that this trend is not exclusive to younger generations.
Are you ready to make that first step towards purchasing your dream home? Contact me here and visit libbysellsdenver.com. I look forward to working with you!