A New Favorite, Rosenberg’s Bagels – Denver

I was out looking at homes with clients (and friends) on a recent snowy Sunday, and we decided to grab some lunch while we were out. My client and her daughter wanted to introduce me to Rosenberg’s Bagels in the Five Points neighborhood of Denver. What a find!
Rosenberg’s opened 6 months ago at their new location on 26th Ave, after starting out in the Galvanize building in Denver’s Golden Triangle. The proprietor, Josh Pollack, famously went to New Jersey to study proper bagel making, and also had the NY water analyzed to assess the difference between that and Denver water. We love to boast about our awesome tap water here, but it’s apparently not good for bagel making.
Rosenberg’s has it all – bagels, bialy’s (yay!), salmon, whitefish, and everything else you’d expect in an authentic deli.
Yes, Rosenberg’s Bagels. And how sweet that the owner named it after his mother? Some day my son might open a brew pub and name it Rosenberg’s Brews after his mother!
Gretchen Rosenberg (unfortunately no relation to Rosenberg’s Bagels) sells real estate in Denver and loves to support local businesses. Search Denver real estate at www.GretchenRosenberg.com.