How COVID is Changing Buyer’s Needs

How COVID is Changing Buyer’s Needs
Home Offices and More
I did a post few weeks back about how COVID-19 may change the design world. I want to expand on that a bit, given that I’m already seeing so much of this change while working with my clients.
In this post, I want to emphasize the need for home offices. While home offices have seen an uptick in popularity generally in recent years, I’ve noticed an even sharper increase in home office inquiries amongst my clients. Office life is shifting dramatically in the midst of this pandemic. Many companies are realizing that office space isn’t necessarily a must have and that employees are capable of working from home. Additionally, we aren’t sure if a second wave of this pandemic is coming and how long this will last, which means buyers want to prepare appropriately if we do have another quarantine in our future.
So what are some perks of having a home office in general? For the design lover, this is a great opportunity to cultivate a space that makes you comfortable for your work needs. Maybe you need a big desk to spread out across, or maybe some Pantone Color of the Year themed walls. It’s no surprise, that there’s an increase in productivity when people are comfortable in their work environment. If a custom made home office is the most productive spot for you, then make it happen!
Less time commuting means more time with family, friends and general down time. Many of my clients want a home office in order to avoid lengthy commutes that take more time away from their personal life. For years I’ve made a point of going into the office a few times a week because it has helped me feel more connected to my co-workers and brings some consistency to my day. While no two days in my world are the same – which I love, I am often all over town running from meeting to meeting. I have to say spending more time at home becoming a Zoom wizard has been a game changer for me.
My home office has become a sanctuary where I’m far more productive cutting hours of needless commuting. The best part? When I’m done I can close the day and walk away. I’ve struggled with my work/life balance for years because I’m always “on” – nights … weekends … I’m here for you! But, during our new landscape I’ve been able to find that balance!
Right Sizing
In addition to planning ahead for a home office space, many of my clients are also right sizing. People that can afford homes in the luxury market price range are purchasing homes that are less money, perhaps in the 700-800K range. Why is this happening? A few reasons. First, they want extra spending money to do other things, like traveling or home improvement projects. Additionally, our financial world has been rocked by this global pandemic. If it happens again, clients want extra financial security to get them through. Makes sense to me!
Yard Space
Yards are also becoming a hot topic right now. While some clients are longing for bigger yard space as a result of this pandemic, others just don’t want the hassle anymore. Having a yard, big or small, has perks during a global pandemic. You get to be outside without having to interact anyone in a way that feels unsafe. On the other hand, having a yard can be a big responsibility that some people just don’t want to have when things are already stressful enough. Either way, the main request is that there has to be some outdoor space. My clients want the freedom to go outside and enjoy the outdoors privately in their own space.
So, other than home offices, what the biggest trend I’ve seen with my clients? I’ve been amazed at the resourcefulness of my clients who have added either chicken coops to their yards, or have planted amazing raised bed gardens. One in particular just built a gated paradise in their back yard. It’s on par with the amazing garden Meryl Streep has in the movie It’s Complicated or a small version of Ina Garden’s garden … see what I did there.
For those of you that are saying no to yards … the Botanic Gardens is back open with social distancing and other safety guidelines. If you want your outdoor fix without the hassle, this is a great way to get outside and enjoy the sunshine with family and friends in a safe way.
Have questions about living in Denver or Denver Real Estate? I would love to talk with you! Contact me here and we will come up with a plan to communicate that works best for you.